TDP is autonomous to deliver virtual network environnement to their client.
Innovate landing zone do not included Virtual Network provisionning Included in IAAS-LZ Innovate. Means you can develope on default IP ( but this will not allow you to join internal core services like Gitlab and Artifcatory, or to get ZPA
More than that, some specific project will need interconection with Thales EIP. which required specific adresse Plan recognize by thales Group
Before proceeding with the demande be sure anwser the question: do I need interconnexion with Thales group (Thales Group IP plan) or do I just develop on the TDP platform (TDP IP plan) ?
How can I request for IP Plan
This item mainly focus on Innovate subscription. Industrialize subscription are provided with VNET and specific IP from the Thales IP plan
Now let's refer to the appropriate Post It item Request for Ip Range Allocation
Required field
Tracibility Informations: those first field are important for us, as IP manger it's central for us to get those informations
- Subscription ID: Resource Sub ID that host the Vnet
- Subscription: Resource Sub name that host the Vnet
- Resource Group name: Resource group name that host the Vnet
- Vnet Name:
Technicals Informations: relate to the Vnet itself and gonna impact your connectivity right.
- Data Classification: does it Innovate or Industrialize
- Thales Group IP plan: Yes or No
Thales Group IP plan is the most important field be sure to properly understand what your need is
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