Legacy Hub(Shared Services) VWAN Migration February 13, 2024, at 23:00:00
Presentation of the Change:
In this scheduled maintenance, we are undertaking the Shared Services VWAN Migration to complete the transition of Core Services, including ZPA with WEU App Connectors and Infoblox DNS/IPAM services, to the established VWAN infrastructure. The migration aims to enhance security, firewall filtering, and overall network observability. Users can expect a minimum downtime of 1 hour, impacting DNS Resolution and ZPA WEU pp Connectors availability.
Maintenance Details:
- Scheduled Date and Time: 2024-02-13 at 23:00:00
- Maintenance Window: 2024-02-13 at 23:00:00 to 2024-02-14 at 01:00:00
- Downtime Duration: Minimum 1 hour
Expected Impact:
Temporary disruption of DNS Resolution and ZPA WEU connectivity for approximately 1 hour.
During the maintenance window, Expect a downtime of up to 60 minutes during this operation for the following services :
- TDP internal resolution
[!IMPORTANT] The domains *.tdp.infra.thales will be unavailable during this time
- There is no impact or disruption on domain *.ahe.tdp.infra.thales.
- TDP External resolution
[!IMPORTANT] The domains *.infra.thales , *.gemalto.com and all azure forwarded DNS rule like *.blob.core.windows.net will be unavailable during this time
[!IMPORTANT] The DIS vHub will be affected, with disruption due to the unavailability of services during this operation carried by TDP Infoblox DNS services (Group Internal DNS resoltion *.infra.thales and *.gemalto.com.)
- To minimize any potential disruptions, we kindly request your support in updating the TTL (Time to Live) for DNS entries related to *.gemalto.com TDP Hosted services. Extending the TTL will help mitigate any DNS-related interruptions during this maintenance period.
- TDP internal resolution
ZPA WEU App Connectors
[!IMPORTANT] Applications hosted in TDP Weste Europe will be unavailable during this period from the user's TNAP workstation.
The migration is designed to bring about improvements in security, ensure high availability, and enhance the overall observability of connectivity.
Rollback Plan as a Possible Feature:
In the event of unforeseen issues, a rollback plan has been established. Rollback procedures have been successfully tested in the DEV environment.
Action Required:
- For information CAB TDP : RITM0038407
- No specific action is required from end-users
- We would like you to take account of this scheduled maintenance and, if necessary, adjust your operational procedures to take into consideration the potential downtime.
- We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding as we work to improve our services.
Please do not hesitate to contact our support https://postit.service-now.com/esc if you have any questions or need assistance with this maintenance.
Thank you for your cooperation.